Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two Things

1. this weekend is going to be so much fun. I'm seriously dying for it to be tomorrow already. Jazz Voices concert, my mom dad and brother coming down, general conference, and the fun. concert!!! i'll post pictures after the weekend is over.

2. i'm thinking about cutting my hair short. not yet, but for the summer. I'll probably debate this decision until summer gets here, so i figure i might as well start thinking about it.
this is my inspiration. how cute, right?!
Anyways, school is almost over, I'm probably going to get a job with Kyle, and summer is almost here!! Life couldn't be better!

these kind of pants are my new spring/summer addiction. probably a mix between them being in style and the fact that I have to wear compression pants all summer anyways, and hopefully beach pants will help keep the coming months a little more cool. 


  1. Mary - do you have any idea that both Stephanie and I have taken that EXACT picture in to the hair dresser, trying to get that hair cut??? I need to text her right now to come and look at your post, because she will die laughing! All three of us, at different times, all trying to look like the same person!!! P.S. I do love your long hair!! :) But a change is always fun, too. Love the beach pants!! I think they'll be the perfect look for you. Have a fun weekend with the fam!

  2. Hahahaha! That is hilarious! It never quite turned out for me....I couldn't decide if it was the haircut I loved or the cute, tan girl! Short is cute though, especially for summer! Have a great weekend and good luck at the concert! :)

  3. Hahahaha when I read both your posts, I just died laughing. That is seriously SO funny! We must be related or something..
    :) Love you both!
