Thursday, June 27, 2013

Alaska!! Part 2.

By Monday we realized that the elevators told us what day it was, they changed it out every night. So Kyle and I took a picture in the elevator every day haha.

The first day was mostly just a lot of running around the ship, finding our way to all the important places (such as the sports bar where the boys could watch the NBA Finals). We went to a “dance class” and Kyle got chosen out of everyone to compete at the Dancing with the Stars: At Sea finale on the last day. We were laughing so hard about it, even though I was truly very impressed!! Monday was also the first formal night. So we suited up!

Tuesday we cruised through the Tracy Arm Fjord, which was basically this amazing and gorgeous little area where the shore/mountains were extremely close on both sides of the ship, covered in water falls and the water had millions of little icebergs. We cruised up the fjord until we got to a breathtaking, huge glacier. We got pretty dang close, but not close enough to be at risk of hitting any bigger pieces of floating ice. We finished the day with a delicious (as always) dinner, and a comedy show.

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